I want to start this blog by saying, “I love the United States.” I have travelled to many places in the world and I can tell you that, I have never experienced a country as bold, beautiful, and benevolent as our beloved America. All alliterating aside, however, I am concerned that the moral character and the patriotic pride is taking a beating from not only peoples from other countries but from within our own citizenry . We can’t turn on the television without hearing what is wrong with the United States. It seems to be a popular sporting activity to identify and exploit the few cracks that we have in our walls and to over look the firm foundation that our forefathers and mothers worked so hard to create.
Over time, on this blog, we will take a journey down the path of identifying and discussing the many issues that affect us at the family and individual level. I would appreciate points of view from all sides of the political spectrum. Our country is great because we have wonderfully free exchange of ideas and beliefs. We can only grow as a nation if we continue to share our differences.
So, as I start this blog, I would like to identify some of the wonderful things about the United States. These are great qualities of our nation that we, too often, take for granted.
In the United States:
-Any individual can regardless of his/her circumstances at the start of his/her life, can rise to the highest level of society and achieve anything he/she desire. We are able to control our future by hard work, dedication, and the blessings of the freedom that our country provides.
-We have the greatest and most technologically advanced medical system in the world. Our average life expectancy is 75 years and growing. All of our children are vaccinated. Our country is free of epidemic diseases, like malaria, dysentery, TB, cholera, polio, small pox, and many other pathogens that take the life of millions in other underdeveloped countries. Do we have these diseases? Yes, but we have not had to experience the wide spread epidemics that have so devastated many parts of the world.
-We are the most socially and culturally diverse nation in the world. We are a nation of immigrants and we have progressed to the point where race, gender, and religious beliefs are no longer the hinderance that they once were just a few short years ago. We are learning the value of honoring cultural traditions and social mores. Women have broken the glass ceiling in many of the largest cooperations in the world. Minorities are taking leadership roles and leading the majority. Progress to tear down the walls of predjudice is happening at a rapid rate. Everyone is free to worship their Lord in any peaceful manner they desire.
-Children are not going to bed with empty bellies. True hunger is not an issue in the United States.
-We are the most benevolent nation in the world. We provide more humanitarian aid to other countries than any other nation.
-We have the best trained and most professional military in the world. We prepare for war and pray for peace. Soldiers, Sailors, and Airmen, serve their country on a volunteer basis. We have no draft and the sacrifices that our troops make are out of love of country.
-We have wonderful educational opportunities for our young people. A college education is available to all who desire. Cost can be a limiting factor, but with student loans, grants, and other educational funding, any student should be able to achieve their dream of obtaining their college degree. After my first enlistment in the Army, I decided to go to school. I didn't take education seriously and was more concerned about the relationship that I had with a lovely woman. When our relationship ended, I was devestated but vowed to re-dedicate myself to never allow anything to stand in my way of obtaining an education. I had little money so I went back into the Army and using the GI Bill and scholarships, I was able to obtain a Bachelor's and Master's degree without incurring financial debt. The Lord and the opportunities of this wonderful country, allowed a poor misguided young man like myself to be able to achieve my dreams. There are similar military and non-military opportunities for individuals to receive a quality education. In the United States, the academic skies are the limit.
-We have the most beautiful and diverse landscape in the world. From the snow capped mountains of the Rockies, to the tumble weed covered deserts of Arizona, from the clear blue waters of the Florida Keys, to the giant redwood trees of northern California, the United States has any climate and any outdoor environment for any taste. Most of our parks can be entered for free or at a nominal cost. The United States has 548 National Wildlife Refuges and 66 National Fish Hatcheries that covers millions of acres. These lands areas are set aside for the betterment of our wildlife and for our enjoyment.
-We have a fair and equitable judicial system. Is it perfect? Certainly not, but everyone has a right to trial and to be judged by a jury of their impartial peers.
-We have wonderful public services. Our interstate system is the best in the world. Our police and fire departments are well trained and devoted to protecting our citizens. Our water is clean and every home has electricity capabilities.
-We value and nurture the arts. Anyone with a special artistic talent can develop and perfect their craft under the guidance of some of the best artist, musicians, author’s, and institution’s in the world.
-And the United States has a government of the people and elect by the people. Any American citizen in good standing can run for pubic office and provide their talents into making our political situation better.
These are just a few of the qualities that America possesses that makes this the most wonderful place in the world to live. I think it is important to be optomistic about the future of our country. The United States will grow and evolve and mature into a nation where all people’s are afforded equal opportunities in a safe and productive environment.
As we discuss issues on this blog, I am a firm believer that we should not only identify problems but present possible solutions. This site will not always be politically correct and sometimes some people may be offended, but it will always be honest and truthful and have a purpose.
My mission statement is: To provide an environment and forum where the citizens of the United States can interact and discuss the issues that affect us all.
God Bless you all and thank you for following along.
J. Scott
14 years ago
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