Good Evening All,
Well tonight I want to briefly look at the topic of Gun Rights. The right to bear arms is a constitutional right granted to us from those who fought to create this wonderful nation. However, over the years the right to bear arms has been under assault.
Now, when our founding father's instituted this right, they wanted to make sure that individuals had the ability to defend themselves from those who would do them harm, even if the harm is coming from the government. Our founding fathers also understood that families needed to eat and guns were necessary to hunt. But times have changed and the use of a gun has taken a tragic change of course. The CDC estimated last year that over 50,000 people were a victim of a gun shot wound. Out of that number 10,100 people died. Additionally, over 16,000 suicides are committed every year by the use of a gun. These are troubling statistics and I am certain that our founding fathers could have foreseen this incredible abuse of the right to bear arms.
So, what is the compromise between those who want to ban guns and the violence that goes along with these weapons and those who want unrestricted access to any weapon that they desire?
I think common sense here should prevail. Firstly, let me say that registered gun owners are not the problem here. In fact, these responsible gun owners are upstanding and responsible part of our community. Registered gun owners are not the people out committing crimes and so any legislation to take guns away from these fine individuals would be criminal in my opinion. The problem of gun violence stems from those who are in the business of purchasing and utilizing guns that they are not legally allowed to possess. Gang bangers, drug dealers, and criminals are the individuals that are threatening the right to bear arms. There is an assault on our cities by those who have no respect for the law.
So, how do we limit access to those who are intent on criminal behavior and those who are responsible?
Well, I think a middle ground should be considered. Firstly, there is absolutely no reason for anyone to possess an automatic weapon. People do not use machine gun or high caliber pistols to go hunting. Assault weapons have no place in our society and most gun owners would agree that these weapons have no role in keeping our communities safe. Secondly, the right to bear arms does not necessarily mean that you can bear these weapons everywhere. I support the idea of allowing an individual to own a weapon for use on their property for protection, collection, or hunting. However, real and effective legislation needs to be enacted to prevent these weapons from being used in our towns and cities.
There is a group of folks who are in favor of a concealed gun permits. I am against this. However, I am in favor of individuals carrying weapons that are open and visible to everyone. Here is Iraq we all carry a M-16 or a 9mm. We carry them in a holster that is strapped over our shoulder and everyone has visibility. I think that a person would be less likely to be come a target for criminals if these criminals see that their victim is packing heat.
I would also advocate for more strict punishment for those who violate the law with a hand gun. In my opinion, if someone brandishes a weapon in a threatening manner they should be charged with attempted murder, kidnapping, and false imprisonment in addition to armed robbery charge. There needs to be a minimum sentence of twenty years without the possibility of parole for any first offense. A message needs to be sent that we are serious about ending the irresponsible use of a gun. Additionally, I believe that anyone who shoots a gun at another person should be charged with murder. Even if the shooter misses or fails to kill their victim, their intent was deadly and should be charged as such. Just because a criminal is a bad shot doesn't take away the fact that he had the intent to murder. These laws need to be harsh and uncompromising.
It is the criminal element that is causing trouble for those who are responsible gun owners. We are a nation of thinkers and we are able to work in the gray areas. The gun debate has always been black and white. Gun owners want unlimited access and gun control people want a complete ban. Certainly a compromise that would include the changes I mentioned above can be agreed upon by both sides.
We are an enlightened and intelligent nation. We should be able to set up laws that will allow those who are responsible gun owners to exercise their right and still ensure that our citizens are safe from those thugs who brandish a weapon with deadly intent.
This is a tough topic and I pray that the Lord provides guidance on this issue. We are losing a generation of young men from gun violence; this simply should not be.
God Bless You All,
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